Bent Over Row

The barbell bent over row is a fundamental exerise that develops strong back muscles.

Primary Muscle Back
Secondary Muscle(s) Biceps, Shoulders
Difficulty Intermediate
Also known as Bentover Row, Barbell Row
Equipment Barbell and Weights
Optional Resistance Bands, Dumbbells

Barbell Bent-Over Row Guide

The barbell bent-over row is a big body lift that helps to develop a thick, strong back and it's also suprisingly effective at developing the biceps.

How to do Barbell Bent-Over Rows

  1. Bend the knees slightly and bring the torso forward over a bar, whilst keeping the back straight. Grasp the bar with an overhand grip. 
  2. Keep the upper body stationary and pull the barbell to the torso and pause. 
  3. Return bar under control to the starting position and repeat. 


  • Do not perform the exercise if you have a history of back problems.
  • Always use a weight that you can control. 
  • Maintain good form at all times, keeping the back straight and shoulders pulled back. 

Barbell Bent-Over Row Variations

Try the following variations to the bent over row:

  • Close grip bent over row - to focus effort on the middle back muscles. 
  • Underhand bent over row - to increase lat involvement during the exercise.


Always consult your GP before undertaking any form of weight loss, fitness or exercise.